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  • 吴国雄, 张永生,青藏高原的热力和机械强迫作用以及亚洲季风的爆发II. 爆发时间. 大气科学,1999, 23(1): 51-61. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 刘还珠,全型垂直涡度倾向方程和倾斜涡度发展.气象学报,1999,57(1): 1-15. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄,刘屹岷,刘平,空间非均匀加热对副热带高压形成和变异的影响. I. 尺度分析. 气象学报,1999, 57(3): 257-263. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong ED.,1995-1998 China National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. China Meteor. Press, Beijing, 208pp.
  • Wu Guoxiong,SONG Zhengshan, and GAO Dengyi,The surface thermal feature of the Tibetan Plateau and its impacts on weather and climate. China National Report on Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. China Meteor. Press, Beijing, 79-99.
  • 张永生, 吴国雄, 关于亚洲夏季风爆发及北半球季节突变的物理机理的诊断分析:II. 青臧高原及邻近地区地表感然加热的作用. 气象学报,1999, 57(1): 56-73. [pdf]
  • 王东晓,吴国雄,徐建军,热带印度洋年代际海洋变率及其动力学解释. 科学通报,1999, 44(11):1226-1232. [pdf]
  • 刘屹岷,刘辉,刘平,吴国雄,空间非均匀加热对副热带高压形成和变异的影响. II. 陆面感热与东太平洋副高. 气象学报,1999, 57(4): 385-396. [pdf]
  • 刘屹岷,吴国雄,刘辉,刘平,空间非均匀加热对副热带高压形成和变异的影响. III. 凝结潜热加热与南亚高压及西太平洋副高. 气象学报,1999, 57(5): 525-538. [pdf]
  • 刘屹岷、吴国雄、刘辉,谱模式中负地形的处理与东亚副热带气候的模拟. 大气科学,1999,23 (6): 652-662. [pdf]
  • 钟中,吴国雄,沙文钰,东北太平洋辐合异常对西太平洋副高异常影响的数值试验. 大气科学,1999,23 (6): 685-692. [pdf]
  • 王东晓,兰健,吴国雄,朱江,一个海洋环流模式伴随系统的初步试验,自然科学进展,1999,9(9), 824-833 [pdf]
  • Xu, Jianjun, Wu Guoxiong:Dynamic features and maintenance mechanism of the Asian summer monsoon subsystem. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 16(4): 523-536. [pdf]
  • Jin, Jiming, Xiaogang Gao,…, Wu Guoxiong: Comparative analysis of physically based snowmelt models for climate simulations. J. Climate, 12: 2643-2657. [pdf]
  • Jin, Jiming, Xiaogang Gao,…, Wu Guoxiong: One-dimentional snow water and energy balance model for vegetated surfaces. Hydrol. Process. 13: 2467-2482. [pdf]
  • Wang Dongxiao, Wu Guoxiong, Xu Jianjun, Interdecadal Variability in the Tropical Indian Ocean and its Dynamic Explanation, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44(17),1620-1626
  • 孙菽芬, 金继明, 吴国雄. 用于GCM耦合的积雪模型的设计. 气象学报, 1999,57(3):293-300. [pdf]


  • 孟文, 吴国雄, 赤道印度洋纬向季风环流和太平洋Walker环流的齿轮式耦合. 中国学术期刊文摘(科技快报),1998, 4(4): 484-487.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Yongsheng Zhang, 1998: Tibetan Plateau Forcing and Timing of the Monsoon Onset in South Asia and Southern China Sea. Mon. Wea. Rev. 1998, 126(4): 913-927. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 张永生:青藏高原的热力和机械强迫作用以及亚洲季风的爆发I. 爆发地点. 大气科学,1998, 22(6): 825-838. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 孟文:赤道印度洋-太平洋地区海气系统的齿轮式耦合和ENSO事件I.资料分析. 大气科学,1998, 22(4): 470-480. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 孙岚, 刘辉, 孙菽芬, 李伟平:陆面感热和潜热输送对盛夏降水和副高分布的影响. 东亚季风和中国暴雨. 中国科学院大气物理所编,气象出版社,1998: 161-169.
  • 吴国雄, 王敬方,夏季中高纬500hPa高度和海表温度异常特征及其相关分析. 气象学报,1998, 56(1): 46-54 [pdf]
  • Ye Du-Zheng and Wu Guo-Xiong , The role of the heat source of the Tibetan Plateau in the general circulation. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 1998, 67: 181-198. [pdf]
  • Liu Hui, Zhang Xuehong and Wu Guoxiong, Cloud feedback on SST variability in the western equatorial Pacific in GOALS/LASG model. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1998, 15(3): 410-423.[pdf]
  • 张永生, 吴国雄, 关于亚洲夏季风爆发及北半球季节突变的物理机理的诊断分析:I. 季风爆发的阶段性特征. 气象学报,1998, 56: 1-16. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 海气相互作用研究进展-美国海气相互作用第九届学术会内容简介. 气象, 1998, 24(7): 3-4. [pdf]


  • 吴国雄,王敬方,冬季中高纬500hPa高度和海表温度异常特征及其现关分析. 气象学报,1997, 55: 11-21. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄,蔡雅萍,风垂直切变和下滑倾斜涡度发展. 大气科学,1997, 21(3): 273-282. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄,瞬变涡动输送在旱涝形成中的作用.“长江黄河流域旱涝规律和成因研究”叶笃正, 黄荣辉等著. 山东科学技术出版社,1997∶185-193.
  • 吴国雄, 张学洪, 刘辉等, LASG全球海洋-大气-陆面系统模式(GOALS/LASG)及其模拟研究,应用气象学报,1997, 8(增刊): 15-28. [pdf]
  • 王敬芳, 吴国雄, 持续性东北冷夏的变化规律及相关特征. 大气科学, 1997, 21(5): 23-532 [pdf]
  • 江灏,王可丽,吴国雄:青藏高原地区地表涡度及其取值对大气长波辐射冷却的影响.高原气象,1997, 16(3): 250-257. [pdf]
  • 王晓春,吴国雄,中国夏季降水异常空间模与副热带高压的关系. 大气科学,1997, 21(2): 161-169. [pdf]
  • 刘辉,吴国雄:Impacts of land surface on climate of July and onset of Summer monsoon: A study with an AGCM plus SSiB. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1997, 14(3): 273-282. [pdf]
  • 王晓春,吴国雄:Regional Characteristics of summer precipitation anomalies over China. Acta. Meteor. Sinica, 1997, 11(2): 153-163. [pdf]
  • Wang Jingfang and Wu Guoxiong, Evolution and characteristics of the persistent cold summer in Northeast China, Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 1997, 21(3): 295-305.
  • Wang Xiaochun and Wu Guoxiong, The analysis of the relationship between the spatial modes of summer precipitation anomalies over China and the general circulation, Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 1997, 21(2): 133-142. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Huanzhu Liu, Vertical vorticitg development owing to down-sliding at slantwise isentropic surface. Dyn. Atmos. Oce. 1997, 27: 715-743. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄,李伟平、郭华、刘辉、薛纪善、王在志,青藏高原感热气泵和亚洲夏季风. 赵九章纪念文集. 叶笃正主编,科学出版社,北京,1997:116-126. [pdf]


  • 吴国雄, 王敬方,热带和热带外海表温度异常与低空环流特征比较. 气象学报, 1996, 54:385-397. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 刘辉, 赵宇澄, 夏季东北亚阻塞高压形成的一种机制. 灾害性气候 的过程及诊断. 黄荣辉等编. 气象出版社. 1996: 1-6.
  • 王晓春,吴国雄,利用空间均匀网格对中国夏季降水异常区域特征的初步分析. 气象学报,1996, 54(3):324-332. [pdf]
  • 王晓春,吴国雄,夏季降水异常空间模与环流的关系. 中国气候灾害的分布和变化.黄荣辉,郭其蕴,吴国雄编. 气象出版社. 1996: 193-200.
  • 王晓春,吴国雄,中国夏季降水区域特征的初步分析. 中国气候灾害的分布和变化. 黄荣辉,郭其蕴, 吴国雄编. 气象出版社. 1996: 193-200.
  • 张绍晴,刘还珠,吴国雄,杨云峰,NWP模式中纬向平均环流系统误差的动力诊断. 气象学报,1996, 54: 569-579. [pdf]
  • Wu, G. X., H. Liu, Y. C. Zhao, and W. P. Li, 1996: A nine-layer atmospheric general circulation model and its performance. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 13, 1-18. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, CAI Ya-Ping, and TANG Xiao-jing, Conservation of moist potential vorticity and down-sliding slantwise vorticity development. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 1996, 10(4): 399-418. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, ZHU Bao-Zhen, and GAO Deng-Yi, The impacts of Tibetan Plateau on local and regional climate. From Atmospheric Circulation to Global Change-Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Professor Ye Duzheng. Ed. by Inst. Atmos. Phys., CAS. Chinese Meteor. Press. 1996: 425-440.
  • LIU Hui, JIN Xiang-ze, ZHANG Xue-hong, and Wu Guoxiong, A coupling experiment of an atmosphere and an ocean model with a monthly anomaly exchange scheme. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1996, 13(2): 133-146 [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong and ZHANG Xuehong, Research in China on climate and its variability. Theo. Appl. Climatology, 1996, 55(1-4): 3-18. [pdf]
  • Ye Du-Zheng, and Wu Guoxiong: Valiability of the Climate System. Theor. Appl. Climatology. Springer-Verlag Wien. 1996: 228 pp. [pdf]
  • Liu Hui, Wu Guoxiong and Zeng Qingcun, On the maintenance of blocking anticyclones of northern hemisphere – part I: quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity analysis. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 1996, 10(2):142-147.[pdf]


  • 吴国雄,大气中动能的双向转化和单向转化。大气科学, 1995, 19:52-62. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄、刘还珠,降水对热带海表温度异常的邻域响应. I. 数值模拟. 大气科学,1995, 19(4):422-434 [pdf]
  • 吴国雄、孙夙英、王晓春、王敬方: 降水对热带海表温度异常的邻域响应. II. 资料分析,大气科学,1995, 19(6): 663-676 [pdf]
  • 吴国雄、刘辉等译,气候物理学. 气象出版社. 1995: 415pp.
  • 吴国雄, 蔡雅萍,唐晓菁,湿位涡和倾斜涡度发展. 气象学报,1995, 53: 387-405. [pdf]
  • 刘辉、吴国雄、曾庆存,北半球阻寒高压的维持. I. 大气科学,1995, 19:177-185. [pdf]
  • 刘辉、曾庆存、吴国雄,北半球阻塞高压的维持,II,大气科学,1995, 19:337-348. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 薛纪善,王在志,刘辉,何安国,赵宇澄,青藏高原化雪迟早的辐射效应对季节变化的影响. 甘肃气象, 1995: 1-8. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Liu H., Chen F., Zhao Y.-C.,and Lu Y., Wave-meanflow interaction and formation of blocking- persistent anomalous weather in China in the summer of 1980. Acta Meteorological Sinica, 1995, 9(2):215-227. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong,Cai Y.-P.,Tang X.-J., Modulation between atmospheric thermal and mechanical foring and simulation of mean meridional circulation, Acta Meleorological Sinica, 1995, 9
  • Zhang Shaoqing, Liu Huanzhu, Wu Guoxiong et al., Diagnosis of NWP systematic forecast errors in zonal mean circulation, Acta Meteor. Sinica, 1995, 9(3): 288-301. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong and ZHANG Xuehong, Development of coupled models at LASG. Atmospheric ozone as a climate gas, general circulation model simulations. Global Environment Change, 1996, 32: 435-446.


  • 吴国雄, 蔡雅萍,大气热力强迫和动力强迫的调配及平均经圈环流的仿真模拟. 气象学报. 1994, 52:138-148. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 刘辉,陈飞,赵宇澄,卢莹,时变涡动输送和阻塞高压的形成- 1980年夏季我国的南涝北旱. 气象学报,1994, 52:308-320. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong and ZHANG Xuehong, Development of coupled models at LASG. Atmospheric ozone as a climate gas, general circulation model simulations. Global Environment Change, 1994, 32, 435-446.


  • Wu Guoxiong and CAI Yaping, Modulation of atmospheric thermal and mechanical forcings and numerical modeling of mean meridional circulation. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 1993,7:412-422. [pdf]
  • Wu, G. X., 1993: The fourth international symposium on Asian Monsoon held in Japan. Adv Atmos Sci., 10, 128-134. [pdf]


  • 吴国雄, 海温异常对台风形成的影响. 大气科学, 1992, 16(3):322-332. [pdf]
  • 杨伟愚,叶笃正,吴国雄, 夏季青藏高原热力场和环流场的诊断分析 I. 盛夏高原西部地区的水汽状况,大气科学,1992, 16(1):41-51. [pdf]
  • 杨伟愚,叶笃正,吴国雄,夏季青藏高原热力场和环流场的诊断分析 II. 环流场的主要特征及其大型垂 直环流场,大气科学, 1992, 16(3):287-301. [pdf]
  • 杨伟愚,叶笃正,吴国雄, 夏季青藏高原热力场和环流场的诊断分析 III. 环流场稳定维持的物理 机制,大气科学,1992, 16(4):409-426. [pdf]
  • Zou Xiaolei, Ye Duzheng, and Wu Guoxiong, Analyses of the dynamic effects on winter circulation of the two main mountains in the northern hemisphere. I. Relationship among general circulation, teleconnection and stationary waves. Acta Meteorologica Sinica. 1992, 6(4):395-407. [pdf]
  • Zou Xiaolei, Wu Guoxiong, and Ye Duzheng, Analyses of the dynamic effects on winter circulation of the two main mountains in the northern hemisphere. II. Vertical propagation of planetary waves. Acta Meteorologica Sinica. 1992, 6(4):408-420. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong,A numerical study on the relationship between tropical-storm formation and ENSO. ICSU/WMO International Symposium on Tropical Cyclone Disasters. October 12-16, Beijing. Ed. Lighthill J. ect., Peking Univ. Press. 1992:163-169.
  • Wu Guoxiong and Huanzhu, LIU: Atmospheric precipitation in response to equatorial and tropical sea surface temperature anomaly. J. Atmos. Sci., 1992, 49:2236-2255. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong and N.- C. LAU: A GCM simulation of the relationship between tropical-storm formation and ENSO. Mon. Wea. Rev., 1992, 120(6):958-977. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Chen Biao, and Wu Zheng-Xian: Moist and dry Eliassen- Palm cross sections in different wave bands and residual circulation. Frontiers in Atmospheric Sciences. Allerton Press Inc., 1993: 115-131.
  • Wu Guoxiong,Variability of tropical-storm formation and ENSO. International Workshop on Climate Variability. July 13-17. Ed. by YE Duzheng, T. Matsuno, ZENG Qingcun, Huang Runhui, and ZHANG Renhe, China Meteorological Press, Beijing. 1993: 209-214.
  • Wu Guoxiong and Huanzhu, LIU: Rainfall Pattern and tropical SSTA. IVth International Summer Colloquium on Climate, Environment and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. July 20-25. Ed. by YE Duzheng, ZENG Qingcun, WU Guoxiong and ZHANG Zuojun, China Meteorological Press, Beijing. 1993: 166-176.
  • YE Duzheng, ZENG Qingcun, Wu Guoxiong and ZHANG Zuojun: Climate, Environment and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics- Proceedings of the IVth International Summer Colloquium and International Symposium for Young Scientists, 1993, 20-25 July 1992, Beijing China. 477 PP.


  • 吴国雄, 大气环流动力学及其统计特征. <<当代气候研究>> 1991: 11-87.
  • 邹晓蕾, 叶笃正, 吴国雄, 北半球两大地形下游冬季环流的动力分析. I. 环流, 遥相关, 和定常波的联系. 气象学报, 1991. 49:129-140. [pdf]
  • 邹晓蕾, 吴国雄, 叶笃正, 北半球两大地形下游冬季环流的动力分析. II, 行星波的垂直传播.气象学报, 1991. 49:257-268. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Chen Biao, Annual variation of E-P cross-section and tropospheric westerly acceleration. Scientia Sinica, 1990, 7:775-784.
  • 吴国雄, 纪立人,异常环流和阻塞. 译, 校. 气象出版社. 1991: 230 pp.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Tropical storm formation and SSTA. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 1991,16(3): 322-332.


  • 吴国雄, 大气水汽的输送及其对副热带干旱的影响. 大气科学, 1990, 14:53-63. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 国外持续异常天气动力研究的进展. <<旱涝研究进展>>, 气象出版社, 1990: 71-77.
  • 吴正贤 李崇银 陈彪 吴国雄, 1982/83 冬季 El Nino 期间大气环流异常分析,热带气象1990, 6(3): 253-264. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 陈彪, 原始方程系统中的无加速定理. II. 纬向平均温度的变化. 大气科学, 1990, 14(2):143-154 [pdf] 
  • 吴国雄, 陈彪, E-P 剖面的年变化和对流层西风加速. 中国科学,B,1990, 7:775-784. [pdf]
  • Wu, G. X., and B. Chen,1990: Annual variation of E-P cross-section and tropospheric westerly acceleration. Scientia Sinica,7, 775-784. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 陈彪, 大气定常波传播的运动特征的时空变化. 气象学报,1990, 48(1):34-45. [pdf]
  • 杨伟愚, 叶笃正,吴国雄, 夏季青藏高原气象学若干问题的研究,中国科学,B,1990, 10:1100-1111. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 董步文,大气平衡态的动力特征. I. 大气多平衡态的共面和非共面性质. 大气科学, 1990, 14, 267-276. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 董步文,大气平衡态的动力特征. II. 大气振荡及稳定平衡态的 吸引机制. 大气科学, 1990, 14:385-394. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, The impact of atmospheric water vapor transport and its budget on subtropical drought. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 1990, 14:63-75.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Chen Biao, Non-acceleration theorem in primitive equation system. II. Variation of zonal mean temperature. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 1990, 14(2):153-167.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Chen Biao, Temporal and spatial variations of kinematic features of stationary wave propagation in the atmosphere. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 1990, 48(1):34-45.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Dong B.-W., Dynamical features of atmospheric equilibration. Part I, Co-surface and non-cosurface characters of multiple equilibria. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 1990, 14:267-280.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Dong B.-W., Dynamical features of atmospheric equilibration. Part II, Mechanisms of atmospheric oscillation and attraction of steady equilibrium. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 1990, 14:377-388.


  • Wu Guoxiong, Chen Biao, Non-acceleration theorem in a primitive equation system. I. Acceleration of zonal mean flow. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1989, 6:1-20. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Designation and application of a spherical long-wave spherical model. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 1989, 43(2): 132-144. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 平均经圈环流在大气角动量和感热收支中的作用. 大气科学,1988,12:6-17. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 大气中的内外强迫及西风指数的变化. 气象,1988, 14(8): 3-8. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 陈彪,不同波数域中的干湿E-P剖面和余差环流. 大气科学特刊,1988: 94-106. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 关于大气平均经圈环流的一种计算方案. 中国科学,1988, 4:442-450. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 球面长波模式的设计和应用. 气象学报. 1988, 46:142-153. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, 1988: Designation and application of a spherical long-wave spectral model. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 3(2): 132-144. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, A scheme for evaluating the mean meridional circulation of the atmosphere. Scientia Sinica, 1988, 31:1235-1244. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Roles of the mean meridional circulation on atmospheric budgets of angular momentum and sensible heat. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 1988, 12:11-24.
  • Wu Guoxiong, Mountain torque and external forcing. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1988, 5(2): 141-148. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, Formation of summer vortex on the eastern flank of Qinghai-Tebetan Plateau. Palmen Memorial on Extratropical Cyclones. American Meteor. Soc., 1988: 273-276.
  • 吴国雄, ECMWF预报模式在不同地形方案下的系统误差检验. 气象,1987, 13(3):3-9. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 刘还珠, 时间平均全球大气环流统计图集. 气象出版社,1987: 212pp.
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  • 吴国雄, and Tibaldi, S., Effects of mechanical forcing on the mean meridional circulation and transfer properties of the atmosphere. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1987, 4:24-42. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, and Cubalsh, The impact of El Nino SST anomaly on mean meridional circulation and transfer properties of the atmosphere. Scientia Sinica, 1987, 30:533-545.[pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 大尺度动力学及中期数值天气预报研究进展。南京气象学院学报. 1986, 3: 305-310 [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, 欧洲中期天气预报中心的十年计划. 气象科技,1986, 2:1-10 [pdf]
  • 吴国雄,中期数值天气预报的进展和展望. 气象,1986, 12(3):2-7. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, and Cubalsh, U., El Nino 海温异常对纬向平均经圈环流 及大气输送特征的影响. 中国科学,1986,10:1109-1120. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, The effects of mechanical forcing on the mean meridional circulation of the atmosphere. ECMWF Tech. Memo. 1986, No.112:1-42pp. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, and White, A., A further study of the surface zonal flow predicted by an eddy flux parameterization scheme. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 1986, 112:1041-1056. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, and Dong, B.-W., Dynamic features of multiple equilibration in a forced dissipation system and energy levels of the atmospheric motions. Proceedings of International Summer Colloquium on Nonlinear Dynamics of the Atmosphere, 1986, 79-98.
  • Wu Guoxiong, and Cubalsh, U., The impact of the El Nino anomaly on the mean meridional circulation as simulated by a high resolution model. ECMWF Tech. Memo. 1985, No. 105:1- 25.
  • Wu Guoxiong, and S.-J. Chen, The effect of mechanical forcing on the formation of a meso- scale vortex. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 1985, 111:1049-1079. [pdf]
  • Wu Guoxiong, and H.-Z. Liu, General circulation diagnostic package. ECMWF Tech. Memo., 1985, No. 96:1-35pp.
  • Wu Guoxiong, The nonlinear response of the atmosphere to large-scale mechanical and thermal forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 1984,41:2456-2476. [pdf]
  • 吴国雄, The effect of large mechanical forcing on the general circulation of the atmosphere. Ph.D. thesis, London University. 1983.
  • Wu, G. X., 1983: The influence of large-scale orography upon the general circulation of the atmosphere. Ph.D. thesis, rhe University of London [pdf]


  • 徐国昌,陈美连,吴国雄: 甘肃省"4.22"特大沙暴分析.气象学报, 1979,37(4). [pdf]
  • 吴国雄,高原东北部暴雨过程物理量的分布及予报方法探讨。第二次数值天气预报会议文集.科学出版社.1977


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